Interested in joining staff? We accept any and all Yale undergraduates to write for us. Although formal staff applications have closed, we encourage students to contact us at if they are interested in joining. Meet us on Tuesdays at 7:00 PM (location sent in newsletter) for our biweekly staff meetings.
What do staff writers do? At YRIS, staff writers perform three major functions:
- Write and Publish short-form articles on our website about important global affairs topics.
- Assist in selecting winners and editing pieces for publication in our print journals (which are distributed across dining halls). Our contests are held quarterly and accept long-form analytical pieces from undergraduates across the world.
- Interview leading experts in IR (past examples include Richard Haass and Noam Chomsky) and attend YRIS social events
Note: Joining YRIS automatically grants membership in our parent organization YIRA (the Yale International Relations Association), which offers members unique access to grants, networking events, travel abroad, social events, formals, and more!
We’re also looking for students to join our business team (that will help with outreach, marketing, events, and interviews) and design team (that will help with issue layout, cover art, and designing YRIS promotional materials throughout the year). Many YRIS members serve both as staff writers and as part of either of these teams.
Join the YRIS Design Team! The YRIS Design Committee’s mission is dedicated to transforming selected essays into printable publications. Our responsibilities include (but not limited to) cover design, page layout, and final round editing. No graphic design experience is necessary, just a desire to learn. Apply here: Email our Design Director Jeremy Williams at for more information.
Join the YRIS Business Team! Email our Outreach Director Owen Haywood at for more information.