The 2013 Acheson Prize for Outstanding Essays in International Studies

“The passing decades confirm Dean Acheson’s place as the clearest thinking, most effective Secretary of State of the twentieth century. As a writer he has no equal since Thomas Jefferson first occupied the office in the eighteenth century.”

–Gaddis Smith ’54, Larned Professor Emeritus of History, Yale University

The Acheson Prize is awarded for original, unpublished undergraduate essays on international questions broadly understood. Papers written for courses in political science, history, economics, and other relevant disciplines are eligible. Winning submissions will be published in the Acheson Prize issue of the Yale Review of International Studies in spring 2013. Multiple cash prizes will total $2,000. A blind panel of Yale professors with diverse expertise will select winners and award honorable mentions.

Named for Dean Gooderham Acheson ’15, the prize is awarded annually by YRIS, with support from International Security Studies. Acheson served as Secretary of State from 1949 to 1953. Following his tenure at the State Department, he served on the Yale Corporation. In 1970, he won the Pulitzer Prize in History for his memoir, Present at the Creation: My Years in the State Department. This prize honors Acheson’s legacy as a thinker, scholar, and public servant.

The Review would like to thank our distinguished panel of judges:

Dr. Jolyon Howorth is the Jean Monnet Professor of European Politics at the University of Bath.
Ambassador Ryan Crocker is the 2013 Kissinger Senior Fellow at Yale’s Johnson Center.
Dr. Amanda Behm is the Associate Director of International Security Studies at Yale.

Deadline: Friday, February 22, 11:59pm


  • All undergraduates currently enrolled as full-time students in Yale College are eligible to enter, excluding editors of the Yale Review of International Studies.
  • Submissions may have been written for any class from any major, or independent of coursework.
  • Entrants are limited to a single submission each.

Rules and Procedures

  • Essays should be submitted as word files via email to
  • In your email, you should include: name, class, college, phone number, and major.
  • Essays should be between 10 and 20 pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman font, 
size 12.
  • Because selection is blind, essays should not include: name, course title, professor, or 
  • Provide page numbers in the top right-hand corner.
  • Essays must use full footnotes, formatted according to the Chicago Manual of Style
  • Essays not formatted accordingly will be disqualified.
  • Essays will be considered to be in their final, finished form, and will be published as 
  • Please direct questions to


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